Monday, February 8, 2021

No pain No gain


This is a conversation between two pieces of marble in a museum. One piece of marble is at the doorstep whereas the other one is an exquisite piece sculpted to perfection. People from all over the world come to the museum, step on the marble at the doorstep without even a second thought and go inside to see the sculpted piece of marble with awe and admiration. 

The marble at the doorstep complained to the sculpted one that no one ever notices it but everyone loves to see and admire the sculpted one. 

The sculpted marble replies, “Don’t you remember that we were together in the same box? The sculptor took you out first and started chiselling you but you resisted as you could not bear the pain. You crumbled and the sculptor exasperated picked me up. I too felt the pain inflicted by the sculptor, but I realised that no pain, no gain and if I want to be something special, I will have to let go and surrender to the will of the sculptor. I went through all the pain and was transformed into the most exquisite piece. It was your choice not to give in to the pain.”

When I first heard this story, I thought to myself – oh wow what an amazing explanation!

Gold is subjected to intense heat in order to be purified. Similarly in our lives, the problems the trials and tribulations act as catalysts for our purification. 

Michael Angelo, the famous painter and sculptor was once asked how he created such masterpieces. He gave a beautiful answer. He said the masterpiece is already present in the marble, he just chips away the superfluous around it.

All of us undergo trials and tribulations, problems and anxieties in our lives which is at times bewildering. (I speak only for myself). Even after hearing so much of wise sayings and the Law of Karma, we feel depressed and anxious.

At least now I have the realisation that whatever is happening in our lives is a purification process ordained by Cosmic Intelligence. This is an opportunity to inch closer to Dharma, align our priorities, values, thoughts, words and actions to a bigger purpose in life.

(author Mohan Krishna is a Storyteller, Happiness Coach)